We’re here to help

Email customer service — IT Specialist

Our team is hard at work helping candidates. Please allow us 3–4 business days to get back to you.

In order to assist you efficiently, please be as specific as possible! Please note: You cannot schedule, reschedule, or cancel your exam appointment by email.

For all complaints, administrative or against certified individuals, please select ‘I need help with something else’ below. Once submitted your complaint will be sent to the proper department. From there, we will follow the same administrative procedure as our Grievance Policy.

Please complete all of the fields marked with an asterisk (*).

How can we help you?

(Microsoft, Cisco, NCLEX, etc.)

(If you’ve scheduled an exam, you should have received an appointment confirmation email with your Registration ID. This ID will help us locate your profile.)
Contact Information

We need the following information to find you in our system.