Online testing for UCAT ANZ

Before test day

Run a system test

Complete a system test and exam simulation before exam day.

Choose your testing space

Find a private, distraction-free area to take your exam.

Get your ID ready

Make sure your personal identification meets requirements.

On test day

STEP 1. Do any last-minute prep

Be sure your computer and internet pass the pre-exam system test. Clear your desk/workspace of prohibited items and prep your equipment. Get your ID ready to present. Review our Exam rules /
testing advice for specifics.

 Unique requirements


STEP 2. Check in

You can begin the check-in process up to 30 minutes before to 15
minutes after your appointment time.

Log in to get started


STEP 3. Start your exam

While testing, it's best to focus on the questions and not get distracted. Observe all the environmental and behavioral rules. If you need help
during your exam, use the chat icon to request assistance.

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Testing policies, FAQs and more

Thoroughly review these technical requirements to ensure your system is compatible with the OnVUE online testing software. If your system does not meet the requirements and causes a problem during the exam, you will be responsible for any costs associated with rescheduling your exam.

NOTE: The two most frequent causes of technical issues are (1) testing on an employer-issued computer and (2) unreliable internet connections. Firewalls or security settings from employer-issued computers may prevent the OnVUE software from operating properly. Unreliable internet connections (e.g., wireless networks, hotels, VPNs (prohibited), mobile hotspots) may interrupt connectivity. For these reasons, we strongly recommend using a personal computer (i.e., one not issued by your employer) and a wired, ethernet connection.

OnVUE Technical Requirements

Taking an exam with OnVUE is flexible, convenient and easy. However, it also has unique rules and requirements. For the best possible testing experience, we strongly recommend you get familiar with these before taking your exam.

The document below details the standard policies and procedures for online testing. Your program may have additional requirements, which you can find elsewhere on this page. Familiarizing yourself with this information will help your entire testing experience go smoothly—from checking in to logging out.

Download the online testing guide

Prior to testing      Checking in      During exam      General

Prior to testing

Q. Where can I take my exam?

A. You need to test in an enclosed, private space where you can maintain a strong and stable internet connection, prevent interruptions, and protect the integrity of your exam content. Testing in bathrooms is not permitted. If the bathroom is the only quiet space available in your home, we suggest finding an alternative testing area.

Important: Avoid a testing space with windows or glass partitions that would allow a third party to see your screen, or your exam could be revoked.

Q. How do I know my computer will work with the OnVUE software?

A. To ensure your system will work with our software, first, review the minimum system requirements. Next, perform a system test and download the OnVUE software prior to your exam day.

On exam day, before your exam begins, we strongly recommend re-checking your system by running another system test. If you experience any issues, please log back into your account to reschedule your exam. If you can’t reschedule your exam, use the chat feature to ask your program-specific customer service team for assistance.

Q. How do I know my computer will work with the OnVUE software?

A. The system test checks for:

  • Download of the OnVUE application and secure browser
  • Unzipping and launching of the secure browser
  • Microphone/webcam/speaker functionality and permissions
  • Download speeds
  • General communications between OnVUE and Pearson VUE servers
  • A live video-streaming connection
Q. How do I schedule my OnVUE exam?

A. Once you’ve verified your computer meets system requirements, sign into your account. Select the exam you want to take, then choose the “home or office” option. Follow the remaining prompts to schedule your exam appointment. You will receive a confirmation email with your appointment details and important information for exam day.

Q. Is my testing space okay for testing?

A. Your proctor will make this decision prior to starting your exam. During check-in, you will be asked to take photos of your testing space, which the proctor will review.

For a positive outcome, make sure your space is private and secure. Clear the room of any preparation materials or unauthorized items. Unplug and/or turn off additional monitors (and, if applicable, systems). Any visible materials on the walls—including sticky notes, whiteboards or chalkboards, etc.—may be inspected by your proctor, and we may ask you to remove any such material.

Important: If your testing space fails the room scan, you will not be permitted to take the exam and may forfeit your exam fees.

Q. Can I take my exam using an employer-issued computer?

A. Yes, however, we don’t recommend it. Test-takers typically have a better experience with personal computers. This is because employer-issued computers are more likely to have firewalls, VPNs, and other security policies that may block video streaming during the exam. If you must use an employer-issued computer to take your exam, it’s crucial to review the technical requirements.

Q. May I connect by tethering to a mobile hotspot?

A. We don’t recommend it. Hotspot technology is not ideal for maintaining a reliable and consistent connection. To ensure optimal performance on exam day, perform a system test.


Cheking in

Q. How do I check in for my test and download the software?

A. You may have two options:

  1. Refer to your confirmation, reschedule or reminder email, which might have a Check-in to start exam link. If it does, you can click this link from 30 minutes before to 15 minutes past your appointment start time.
  2. Click the log in button on this page or your test sponsor’s external landing page. Once you’ve logged into your account, your exam will appear under Open Online Exams. Select the exam link and then select Check-in.

With either process, you’ll be asked to download and run OnVUE, our online proctoring software.

Q. I don’t see the Check-in button. What should I do?

A. To check in for your exam, log in to your account no earlier than 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Once logged in, you should see the Check-in button. If it's not visible within 15 minutes of your exam appointment time, contact your program-specific customer service team via chat.

Q. What type of identification will I need?

A. Click the View ID requirements button on this page to make sure you have the proper ID for online-proctored testing

Q. My proctor hasn’t started my exam yet. Where is my proctor?

A. Once you've completed the required check-in steps and have completed taking photos of your face, ID and environment, you will see the following message: You are almost done with the check-in process. Next, you’ll be placed in a queue and will wait momentarily while a proctor reviews your check-in steps. Please be aware, other candidates may be ahead of you in line. The OnVUE application should tell you where you are in queue. Most exams are launched by a proctor within 15 minutes of the appointment start time.

Any delay might mean there’s a problem with your photos or internet connection. For issues with your photos, a proctor will attempt to reach you over chat or via your cell phone. You may not recognize the phone number, which will either have a 617 US area code or say “Pearson VUE” on the caller ID, but please answer so we can assist. If we haven't contacted you within 30 minutes, we may have lost connection to you. In such cases, please contact our customer service team via Pearson OnVUE Support live chat. As a reminder, mobile devices must be kept out of arm’s reach during the testing sessions.


During exam

Q. Can other people be in my testing space during the exam?

A. No. You cannot allow anyone else—including children, roommates, colleagues, etc.—to enter or even pass through your testing space once you’ve started your exam.

Q. Can I receive any exam assistance during the test?

A. No. The proctor cannot answer questions related to exam content, and you may not get help from other individuals while taking the exam.

Q. Is technical software assistance available during the exam?

A. Should you experience technical difficulties during your exam, simply raise your hand using the OnVUE application at the top of your screen and a proctor will assist you. If for some reason this is unavailable, you can get help via the chat button on the OnVUE download page.

Most issues can be avoided by completing a system test and ensuring that you meet all system requirements in advance of testing. Common issues include an unreliable internet connection and third-party applications trying to run during your exam. We strongly recommend that candidates confirm that all applications have been closed and that there is a sufficient and reliable internet connection prior to testing new one.

Q. What are the rules regarding personal belongings?

A. In general, all personal belongings must remain out of arm’s reach during your exam. However, if your exam program allows personal belongings or testing tools like calculators during an exam, you will find that information in the program-specific policies section of this page.

Q. Can I eat or drink during the exam?

A. Drinking beverages is allowed during your exam, as is chewing gum. Eating or using tobacco products during your exam is prohibited.

Q. Can I take a break during the exam?

A. Each exam program establishes its own break policies. If your program allows breaks, you’ll find that information in the program-specific policies section of this page.

Q. Could I be interrupted by a proctor during my testing session?

A. Yes. Proctors may interrupt exams and take action if they witness any suspicious behavior or rule violations. They may need to offer a reminder (e.g., no talking) or investigate something (e.g., show me the room, your desk, etc.).

Q. What types of prohibited behaviors will the proctor watch for during the exam?

A. Examples of prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to, failing to follow proctor instructions, looking off the screen, mumbling or speaking aloud, covering your mouth or face, using unauthorized materials (e.g., mobile phones, recording equipment, writing materials), interacting with third parties intentionally or unintentionally, or leaving the webcam view.

Q. What happens if I lean outside the view of the webcam or leave completely?

A. Unless it’s during a scheduled break built into your exam, leaving the webcam view for any reason or duration, even if you have already completed the exam questions, will result in your exam session being terminated and the exam result being invalidated.

Important: Upon exam completion, you must fully close the OnVUE application before leaving the webcam view.

Q. What happens if my mobile phone rings or issues a notification during an exam?

A. Once your exam has started, keep your mobile phone in the room where you’re testing, but out of arm’s reach in case the proctor needs to call you. Your phone may not be kept in your immediate testing workspace. We recommend placing it on the floor beneath you or a desk/table behind you.

If your phone rings during the exam, limit your interaction to identifying the caller. To do so, you may reach for your phone, but you must stay within the webcam view. The proctor must be able to see you access the phone. Any mobile phone use other than speaking with a proctor is grounds for exam revocation.

When a proctor needs to reach you, they will call, not text. The number will always display as 617-379-0635, and/or caller ID may identify the number as “Pearson VUE.” If this information appears, please answer the call. If your phone rings and the call is not from a Pearson VUE proctor, do not answer it.

Q. Can tablets or mobile devices be used for OnVUE exams? What about touchscreens?

A. At this time, OnVUE exams may only be taken on desktop and laptop computers running Windows or macOS operating systems that meet these minimum specifications. OnVUE does not support the use of tablets or touchscreens. As noted above, mobile devices are not allowed and should be placed out of arm’s reach.

Q. What happens if my internet connection is disrupted during an exam or the proctor asks me to restart my application?

A. If a disconnection occurs, the exam timer will pause, and a proctor will attempt to contact you either through your computer or by phone. Note: You must respond or your testing session will be revoked.

Should you lose connection, or if a proctor asks you to restart OnVUE, you can relaunch the application as follows:

  1. Locate your Downloads folder and reopen the OnVUE application.
  2. Complete any necessary check-in steps and then click Next. Your exam should reload and begin. If your exam does not relaunch, contact our customer service team for additional support.

Once your connection is reestablished and if necessary, the application restarted, you will resume your exam from the question or moment you left.

Q. Can I adjust my font size during my exam?

A. Yes. Even when the testing computer is locked down during an exam, you may still use CTRL+ and CTRL- to magnify content up to 200%. Do not use touchscreen technology at any time during your exam.

Q. Can I read questions aloud during OnVUE exams?

A. No. If this happens, a proctor will ask you to stop reading the questions aloud. If you continue, your exam may be revoked.

Q. What is the digital whiteboard?

A. Because scratch paper or note boards are not allowed when taking an OnVUE exam, some exam programs allow you to use a built-in digital whiteboard to do scratch work or take notes.

Q. Where can I locate my score report?

A. This differs by exam program. Please review your program’s processes to learn when and where you can access your score report.

Q. Can I use headphones?

A. Headphones and headsets (wired or Bluetooth) are not allowed unless explicitly approved by your test sponsor.



Q. Are OnVUE testing policies different from test center policies?

A. Yes. Because of its remote nature, testing with OnVUE requires that candidates agree to additional policies that help protect exam integrity. These include (but are not limited to) consenting to recording and monitoring throughout the exam, along with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technology techniques. Test-takers must accept these policies during the registration process prior to scheduling an exam.

Q. If an exam is offered in both test centers and via OnVUE, can I book the exam in one delivery method and reschedule it to the other?

A. No, as the rescheduling function cannot be used to change the exam delivery method. Instead, if you wish to change the delivery method, you must cancel the original appointment and then schedule a new one.

Additional Online Proctored UCAT ANZ Exam Rules

  • In presenting to test you are declaring yourself fit to test. If you are not fit, you must reschedule. If you choose to test against this advice, UCAT ANZ will not accept this as a mitigating circumstance.
  • You will be monitored at all times and both audio and video may be recorded.
  • Any non-permitted personal items must be stored away from your testing space for the duration of your test.
  • You may only test once in any test cycle. Instances of multiple testing in the same cycle will be treated as misconduct and all results withdrawn.

If you are suspected of misconduct, your test will be revoked and the violation reported to Pearson VUE and the UCAT ANZ Consortium. Your test result may be invalidated and UCAT ANZ may share the outcome of the investigation with legitimate third parties (such as Tertiary Admission Centres and the Consortium universities).


Additional UCAT ANZ FAQs

Q. What accommodations are available for my OnVUE exam?

A. The following test accommodations are permitted and do not need to be arranged in advance:

  • Items on the approved Pearson VUE Comfort Aids List
  • In-built screen magnification – use CTRL+ and CTRL- to magnify content up to 200%.
  • ZoomText - you must have ZoomText (version 2019 or 2020) installed on your computer. The OnVUE software permits this application to run. You may use the magnification and colour enhancement features but the reader features must be turned off.

These are the only accommodations available.

Note: Headphones/earplugs or screen overlays are not permitted in the online proctored UCAT ANZ.

Q. What should I do if I have any issues during testing?

  • To contact the proctor, use the chat function by clicking the icon in the exam window. The proctor may contact you over chat or by calling the phone number provided at check-in. It is advisable to keep your mobile phone nearby but not within arm's reach.
  • If you find shortcut keys do not work, use your mouse or touchpad to navigate through the test.
  • If your internet connection is disrupted, the proctor will offer assistance. Note that if your connection is lost, the exam timer stops and you will resume from the moment you left the exam. If you are not able to resume testing, the proctor will stop the exam. If this occurs, please follow the proctor’s advice or onscreen instructions.
  • If you experience any other issues or distractions during your test, contact the proctor. If you do not raise the issue during your test, UCAT ANZ will not accept this as a mitigating circumstance. The proctor cannot answer questions about test content.
  • If you become ill, make contact with the proctor. If you are not well enough to continue, ask the proctor to end your test. You then need to email the UCAT ANZ Office with medical documentation within 1 business day of your test sitting. If you choose to continue testing, UCAT ANZ will not accept this as a mitigating circumstance.
  • If you are provided with a case number follow up with Pearson VUE customer service within 24 hours. If you have an issue and a case is not raised for you, contact Pearson VUE customer service to have a case raised.

Q. What are the exam rules on personal belongings?

A. During the test, you may not access any personal items. The only exceptions permitted are religious apparel, headwear worn for medical reasons and small hair clips/hairbands (less than 1/2 inch wide). Watches, including smartwatches, must be removed and placed out of sight/reach during the test. Apart from a physical erasable whiteboard (and permitted accessories) for note taking, your desktop should be clean and you should not be within arm’s reach of any notes, notebooks, study guides, books or paper, sticky notes, papers, pens, pencils, and other writing instruments. Additional monitors and computers should be unplugged and turned off.

If your workspace does not pass a room scan, you will not be permitted to proceed with taking the test.

Q. Can I take a break during the exam?

A. You are not permitted to leave your room during the test. Section breaks must be taken at your desk and you must stay within your webcam view at all times.

Q. What are the protocols if my internet connection is disrupted during an exam or the proctor asks me to restart my application?

A. If the next question isn’t appearing, or the exam appears to be stalling, this is likely due to your internet connection and the exam is trying to catch up. You do not lose exam time while the exam content is loading.

Note that if a disconnection occurs, the exam timer stops and you will resume from the question or moment you left the exam. If technical issues occur during an exam, you can use the OnVUE chat function to discuss the problem and its remedy with Pearson VUE support staff. We emphasize the importance of having a good, strong internet connection; meeting all of our system requirements; and successfully passing the system test before registering for an OnVUE exam to avoid this process.

If the connection between you and the proctor is lost, a proctor will try to contact you either through your computer or by phone to see what happened and offer help in restarting the exam. If you do not respond to the proctor, they will revoke the testing session. The proctor will also create a case for you in our system outlining what happened; standard protocols regarding test revocation will be followed. If, during your exam, a proctor asks you to restart or you lose connection to your exam, you can resume testing by relaunching the application through your downloads by following these steps:

  1. Locate your downloads folder and reopen the OnVUE application
  2. Recomplete any requested check in steps and then click next. Your exam should reload and begin. If your exam does not relaunch, please contact your program-specific customer service team for assistance.

Q. What is the built-in digital whiteboard available to me and how do I use it?

A. The UCAT ANZ exam does not have a built-in digital whiteboard. Please refer to the section below on notetaking arrangements.

Q. What are the notetaking arrangements for my OnVUE exam?

A. You are allowed to use a physical erasable whiteboard (and permitted accessories) for note taking, which you will need to obtain yourself.

Whiteboard requirements:

  • 1 erasable whiteboard no larger than 30x50 centimetres (12x20 inches)
  • Up to 2 dry erase markers
  • 1 dry erase whiteboard eraser

A single piece of plain white paper laminated on both sides is also acceptable. It must be no larger than 30x50cm (12x20 inches).

The following items are NOT allowed*:

  • Whiteboards with grids, other markings or background colours
  • Paper
  • Pen / Pencil
  • Permanent Marker
  • Tissues, Paper Towels, Napkins
  • Whiteboard Spray
  • Paper in a clear slide
  • Writing tablet / Boogie Board / Doodle pad
  • Chalkboards

*This list is not exhaustive.

At the beginning of your test, you will be asked to show the Proctor your whiteboard and they will check that it is completely blank (front and back). At the end of your test, you will be asked to show the Proctor that you have erased all your notes.

Q. How do the shortcut keys work for Mac users?

A. Shortcut key combinations in the online proctored UCAT may differ for candidates using a Mac. Depending on your device/keyboard you may need to press additional keys together with the letter to get the shortcut to work (e.g. control + option + N = Next). We recommend you check these in the short sample exam as part of the System Test. Some Mac users may need to use the trackpad or a mouse to navigate through their test.

Q. Will I have access to an On-screen calculator?

A. Yes. The speed at which the calculator operates may be determined by your internet connectivity. You may find you need to enter numbers or strike functions more slowly for the calculator to record them. Candidates are not permitted to use a hand-held calculator.

Q. Where can I locate my score report for my OnVUE exam?

A. You will be able to access your score report approximately 24 hours after the completion of your exam by logging into your web account.

Q. Am I required to wear a face mask?

A. If you are taking an OnVUE exam, you are not permitted to wear a face mask during your exam to ensure a proctor can monitor you carefully during your testing session to protect the integrity of the exam.

Q. Am I able to reschedule my online proctored appointment?

A. Yes. If you need to reschedule your appointment, do it through your account as soon as possible before your appointment. If you do not reschedule your appointment before the scheduled appointment time, you will count as a no show. You will not be eligible for a free reschedule and will forfeit your exam fee. Your exam voucher code will be void.

This applies in cases of illness and family emergency, as well as forgetfulness and lateness. It may be difficult to reschedule due to the limited availability of test appointments.

Q. Am I able to cancel my online proctored appointment?

A. Yes. If you cancel your appointment, your voucher code will be void and you will forfeit your exam fee.